Sindy and Witney arrived at the stone wall of the Druid Grove around midnight. The firefly illumination was barely adequate for this night and both Sindy and Whitney had done a lot of singing. Once they had used the mating call of the firefly, but they both fell down laughing so hard that they lost any advantage of the increased illumination.
They could see that the grove was illuminated on the other side of the wall. Witney was gung-ho to continue, but Sindy felt queasy. Sindy told Witney to find an entrance while she caught her breath. Her chest hurt. It hurt on the circular scar that had been etched upon her breast just above her heart. That night, earlier in the week, at the Museo seemed to have receded into the distant past, but the pain was still new and it hurt. The scar was throbbing.
“Get a grip”, Sindy muttered to herself.
“Ouch,” said Sindy as a pebble hit her head. She turned and she saw Witney some distance away in the gloom. Witney held her fingers to her lips – the universal command to be quiet or something bad will happen.
Witney had climbed up a giant tree which must have fallen across the stone wall hundreds of years ago. The enormous tree was their ticket to get in. They scrambled over the wall and fell upon the warm fog layered primeval forest floor. The two proceeded with caution and soon they could see the glow of fires in the distance. A child’s voice was singing a sad song in the distance, but it was too far to hear the words. But Sindy recognized the tune. ‘The Hymn of Circe’s Return,’ recognized Sindy. This was going to be an ugly night. As Sindy rose to move forward she crumpled to her knees. She bit her lip to keep from groaning. Witney turned, but in the darkness she would not see Sindy’s pain.
After a moment Sindy whispered, “Its ok I tripped on a root. Lets go.”
Mount Sodom shook hard and a trickle of lava formed on the caldera wall just above the Druid Grove. It cast additional illumination into the ancient forest. The light streamed into the forest at a very low angle, illuminating everything in a reddish yellow light which flooded under the lower limbs of the giant trees. Many warriors shielded their eyes. As did The Chair and the Household Staff. Neither Circe nor Muffin moved. Both seemed know what was happening, as if the whole affair had been scripted and rehearsed endless times. Which was true. The last Ceremony of Coronation may have been hundreds of years in the past but it was as familiar as morning coffee to both Circe and Muffin.
Circe’s pure white gossamer gown turned orange and then red in the light of the volcano. Her bare breasts shone burnished bronze. Her hair raven black and her eyes… Her eyes were black pools of nothingness.
She silently raised the dagger above her head and a slow procession appeared from the distance. A most beautiful young woman held high a relic and walked forward ever so slowly. On each side strong warriors with ancient weapons walked with her. Behind her appeared another relic bearer, and then another.
As the first relic bearer approached the stone of sacrifice the paused and bowed to Circe. The attendant guards did not. Then the relic barer bowed to the man in the Zorro suit. The warrior guards were on alert to the slightest interference or danger. Circe did not respond. She stood transfixed and staring deep into Muffins eyes. Muffin did not move as he returned her stare. Circe and Muffin appeared locked in some mystical embrace oblivious to all around them.
The relic was placed upon the stone paralleling the stone of sacrifice.
Punky looked closely. The relic was flat and shiny and had a snake or something grasping its tail.
The relic barer stepped way and the second placed a jewel encrusted tall cone next to the shiny plaque.
Slowly the relic bearers approached, bowed to Circe, then to Zorro. The last relic bearer held the Crown of the Monforte Dynasty. Even Punky could recognize the crown and its famous Cote de Noir.
Mount Sodom spoke again and the illumination of the grove increased again and another trickle of lava formed on the caldera wall. In the very few places where the sky could be seen from among the ancient trees the clouded and snowing sky had turned blood red.
Circe turned, surveyed the surrounding tableau, and sat upon the golden throne.
“Bring forth the Chosen One,” said Circe.
Little Ben was escorted to the edge of the stone of sacrifice. Little Ben turned and faced Circe. Her face was blank and emotionless. But her tiny hands trembled.
“Bring forth the Life Giver,” said Circe
Ed was brought forward and he stood near Little Ben.
Circe smiled. Even Punky and Daggy high in the tree could see Circe’s wicked and depraved smile.
Circe stood from her golden throne. She glared at Little Ben. “The crown, and the prayer” said Circe. “Give the crown to the Life Giver. Say the holy words.”
Little Ben stared Circe in the eye, her tiny body shaking.
“No” said Little Ben
Circe’s eyes widened. Her lip curled. She raised her dagger high.
“The crown Ben, now!” Circe shouted.
“No. Never,” said Little Ben
Circe laughed with a touch of rabid madness.
“Bring the father brother,” Circe said quietly.
Into the light two warriors dragged a man, which the Chair recognized as Dr. Benway.
“This is your father brother Little Ben. This is your father Doctor Benway. This is your brother Fenway Ben,” shouted Circe.
One warrior took a knife and held it to Dr. Benway’s throat.
Little Ben retracted in horror as she understood the price of disobedience. The death of her long missing brother and her real father.
Little Ben clenched her jaw and began crying. She looked at Fenway and then she turned and picked up the crown. She paused and then handed the crown to Ed – the Life Giver. A trail of symbols and runes flowed from Little’s mouth like butterflies and dandelions in a gentle breeze. All but Circe stood in wonder and amazement.
“Crown your King, Life Giver,” commanded Circe.
Ed took the crown in both hands and held it high. He felt programmed and he seemed unable to stop his motions. Deep within is drug addled brain, his years of Naval training and discipline took hold. He lowered the crown and turned slowly to Circe.
“Crown your King, Now!” screamed Circe
“No,” said Ed. “Never.”
Circe began to tremble with rage. Spittle formed at the corners of her mouth. She looked frightening to everyone and strangely more beautiful in the glare of the forming lava pools.
“Bring the girl,” screamed Circe.
A warrior threw a small woman into the light. She was tightly bound and a hood was covering her head. Circe stepped forward and yanked the hood from their captive. She raised her dagger to the throat of the woman.
Ed saw it was his Sparkle. He began to cry.
“No Ed,” said Sparkle, “Don’t do it, please, for our future family. Don’t do it.”
“Yes, yes, I will obey,” said Ed. Ed and the entire plan of the Long White Hall had been defeated.
Ed walked slowly toward Bradford Cananticle Monforte IV, Royal, Dauphan of Second Life. Ed raised the crown above the royal head. Muffin reached to Ed’s hand and held it there. Then Muffin stood.
“No,” Montforte IV said loudly. “No. Never!” Muffin paused, “Monforte’s are not fit to rule… the Republic shall stand!” There was not a hint of the ancient tongue in Muffin’s determined refusal of the crown.
Punky and Daggy both noticed that Circe’s warriors seemed stunned. For a brief moment they seemed to waver and look about in confusion.
Sister Letum stepped forward and taking her sword brought it down hard on a silver shield held by one of the guards. The sound rang out throughout the grove. The Armies of the Right and Left Hand’s of Circe resumed their orderly composure.
“As I suspected,” said Cerce, “As I suspected.”
Circe smiled at Muffin and motioned again.
A small family of women was ushered into the light. It was the Talbot family. Sissy Talbot looked smug. Her mother stood confused, but grandmother Talbot seemed to understand the unfolding drama.
Grandmother Talbot stepped forward. “Don’t do it Muffin. Don’t let them back. Please stop them. We cannot have the Druids back!”
Muffin pulled the mask from his face. He recognized Snuggles Talbot as did The Chair, from long ago on the sports fields of Old Andirons. The younger Talbot’s were of royal blood realized both Muffin and The Chair. Bastards, but still of royal lineage. Sissy Talbot was eligible to wear the Crown of the Monfortes.
Sissy Talbot stood and forced her way forward. “I shall be Queen,” she yelled. “I shall be Queen, all shall bow before me.”
Sister Letum chuckled under her breath as Sissy spoke.
Circe smiled again. Mount Sodom sounded approval in a thin tall fountain of lava and red illumination.
Muffin almost collapsed on the throne. He grasped his head in his hands. After hundreds of years they had been foiled by the psychotic and bloody Druids.
Circe pointed toward Sissy Talbot and Ed moved and raised the crown above Sissy’s head.
Daggy and Punky got ready for their desperate and futile gesture.
The from the Darkness came running both Witney and Sindy, unarmed but with total surprise on their side. Circe’s army was caught off guard. Sindy made for Circe and Witney hit Sister Letum with a hard blow in the stomach. Witney stood back as Sister Letum quickly righted herself, but then Witney kicked hard into the sister and followed the kick with a powerful punch. Something broke, it was Sister letum’s jaw and she spit out teeth and blood. While Witney and the sister were locked in combat. Monforte’s household staff sprung into motion and formed a ring around Sindy and Circe, and Witney and Letum. The Army of Circe moved into action and soon chaos and confusion ruled.
The Yellow Knights moved in the chaos and freed themselves. The grabbed whatever weapons they could and they too joined the fight.
Circe grabbed Sindy around the throat by one hand, and in the other hand she held her dagger thrusting at Sindy’s throat.
“You vile ungrateful child,” hissed Adel into Sindy face.
For the first time in her life Sindy was not afraid of Adel or the Wrath of Circe. As Adel lowered the dagger Sindy grabbed her wrist and deflected the deadly blow. But Circe was a warrior and Sindy was a reporter. In a few moments Circe subdued Sindy and they both fell upon the stone of sacrifice. Sindy was pinned and Circe raised the blade above her head. Circe was laughing hysterically. The volcano boomed. And Daggy and Punky fell from the tree limb and on top of Circe.
But the defenders of the Republic of Second life were outnumbered. They were too few, too disorganized, too unprepared, too nice, and too weak.
After a few moments of frightful fighting it was over. The Army of the Right and Left Hands of Circe was triumphant. They had surrounded the defenders of the Yellow Revolution. Circe had broken free, but she still straddled Sindy on the stone of sacrifice.
Sister Letum, holding her jaw said “Resume the Coronation of the Talbot slut.”
Circe shouted “No.” She paused and spoke with great fury, “First I must reward this ungrateful child and send her to her everlasting reward of agony and pain”. Circe raised the pearl encrusted silver dagger edged in carbon steel above her head and then with great force plunged the dagger into Sindy’s heart.