Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Sindy had launched herself into hyper-dress mode. She left the Times Building in whirl wind of post its, memo’s, tattered old evacuation plans, and litter. Or perhaps a typhoon with a tsunami attached of copy boys, old chicken salad sandwiches, and abandoned phone books. In any event she moved very fast. She was on a mission. Destiny spread her welcoming arms to Sindy Blazer, Ace Reporter, and Editor of the Society Section of the most important newspaper in all of Second Life – The Times.

Her first stop was at Sidney’s. He owed her a big favor. She hailed a yellow Pedi cab and told the Unicorn driver, a small unicorn with an unpronounceable name, to “Sidney Mobile’s on the Avenue of Au. And step on it!” “A-ewe” it is said. The Unicorn was obviously from down under. The Pedi-cab lurched forward and powered down Beast Street, and then turned onto the Avenue of the Sims for a block, and then onto Avenue Au. Screeching to a halt in front of Sidney Mobile’s shop. The shop of the famed goldbug and rock hound of Second Life was so well known it lacked an address. Blazer leapt from her seat and shouted, “Stay here and keep the meter running.” She dashed through the revolving doors and past the six armed guard.

“Ah, the lovely Miss Blazer,” said Sidney his diamond teeth sparkling, and his pale silver skin shimmering in the late afternoon sun.

Sindy Blazer changed persona gears with a grinding metallic feeling, like going from fourth gear into first without using the clutch. Taking a deep breath and then a shallow one of haughty superiority, Sindy exclaimed “Oh Sidney-poo, you look so thin, and tan. Been to Cacoon again, you naughty boy…”

Mobile smiled the smile of an old man flattered by lies but loving every moment and hungering for more.

Blazer leaned forward and made loud smooching noises as she kissed first the right cheek and then the left cheek and then standing up she kissed his liver spotted brow. Mobile loved attention. “I just loved your Mucus Collection at the jewelry competition and that tiara for Prissy Plumblossom, just fabuloose and what you did for Britney … amazing who would have had the creativity to conceive of Jade bottom wipes – fantastic. Sidney you’re a genius. A genius.”

Sidney Mobile was loving it, but somewhere in his limbic region a little voice started whispering “she wants something, she wants something.” However the mysterious all powerful libido stood up and shouted “SHUT UP!” Sidney’s smile grew larger revealing a tiny bit of lettuce from his late lunch of a half meatloaf sandwich on rye and low-cal yellow potato salad.

Blazer ignored the distraction of the tiny green spec and moved in for the kill.

“Why your little girl must be a young woman now. So beautiful as a child, and now she must be ready to start breaking blue blood hearts,” Sindy exclaimed, and swallowed hard remembering the two noses on the little slut that were impossible to hide with foundation or rhino plasty. She knew for a fact that Dr. Benway had tried and failed.

Mobile smiled even more thinking of his daughter, the apple of his eye, with the blindness of a parent who if told that a banana slug was their new born child, would hold the little bundle of slime up high and with pride start gurgling coochicoo, coochicoo.

“Yes,” said Mobile with a father’s blind pride, “She’s going to be released soon.”

“Yes I know, and on her own recognizance too,” Sindy gushed. “How proud you must be Sidney, so proud.”

“Well that means she will be just in time for the Debutants Cotillion and Ball at the Governor’s Mansion. She will be the Queen of the Ball, I’m certain, yes I am, I have no doubt….”

Suddenly Sidney Mobile Master Goldsmith, grinder of the largest diamond ever found in Second Life - the Hopeless Stone, Grand Master of the Guild of Metalsmiths and Coopers, Holder of the State Firman for Spangles from the Household Wing of the Governors Office, began to catch Blazer’s drift. Sidney Mobile was a good negotiator, but his skills were useless in the face of Sindy Blazer’s stunning beauty and her undeniable drift.

Sidney Mobile’s smile turned greasy, “A quarter section, with a rotogravure, in the Sunday supplement on page one,” he said. “No on second thought, a half page spread with an insert about her little sister Mugwort Mobile.”

Sindy blazer frowned on her face, but her ego broke into a smile a mile wide. “Six column inches at the most,” replied Sindy. “No picture, perhaps a cartoon.”

Sidney Mobile, burst our laughing with the kind of laugh you have when you thought it was covered by warranty only to discover that the fine print excluded it from coverage because it was a “moving” part and the bill exceeded 1900 lindens. “Two whole columns and a cartoon. I insist that Adams do the cartoon.’

Blazer knew she had him. “Ok, ok, I give up.”

“And… she wins the competition to be Queen,” said Mobile with steely determination.

Sindy Blazer was prepared for this and she lifted her bountiful bosom a little with both hands and prepared for the close.

“Well Sidney, the hand that washes the face also washes the bottom,” she said.

Mobile though ‘What?’

Blazer continued, “Sidney, if I knock them dead at tonight’s gala at the Museum I’ll guarantee the votes, your daughter will be a shoo in as they say.”

Mobile knew she could do it. After all she had the dirt on both his daughters and there was no denying that all the debutantes were frightened by the power of the pen and the shadow of Sindy Blazers little black blackberry.

“Let’s see” said Mobile, “mmm. Just for tonight?” Blazer nodded. Well how about the 93 carrot tiara I made for Princess Dee, on loan of course.”

Blazer telegraphed a frown to Mobile.

“With the eight meter string of black pearl from Mikimofo?” he suggested.

Blazer’s frown took on an edge of hurt.

“With the 18 carrot Broach of the Flying Worm Oboros?”

“No, said Sindy. How about I tell you what I want, after all its for your darling child and her coming out. She will only get that chance a few times. Twenty to life is a long time.” Sindy knew she had won. She pulled out her black blackberry and pushed a few buttons.

Mobile grabbed a notebook and prepared to write.

Sindy Blazer began, “The Hookers emerald broach to match my right eye, and the Spanish Inquisition Necklace for the left eye. Perhaps the Victoria Transvaal Necklace… What do you think?”

“Stick with the Spanish Inquisition,’ replied Mobile.

On second thought, the Broach of the Flying Worm Oboros will draw attention to my assets.

‘And what would you suggest for my tiara? The 93 Carrot Princess Dee Tiara is sooo yesterday”, asked Blazer.

Before Mobile could think very far Blazer said, very soto voce, “Yes, and the Empress Marie Louise Crown, it will accessorize my hair so nicely.

Mobile drew in his breath and exhaled slowly. “Three columns with a lead in 24 pt.,” he said.

“Sold,” shouted Sindy Blazer. “Do I get goons with that?” she asked.

“Yes,” replied Sidney Mobile, “A matching pair of goons.”

Sindy Blazer could hardly contain herself. The ultimate fashion accessory, bound to create envy and loathing at the same time. A matching pair of goons.

In a few minuets Sindy went flying out the door, carrying four brightly colored boxes tied up in the exclusive gold and silk narrow ribbons known the world over for saying to everyone “I am richer than you are.” Two matching goons in crisp tuxedoes with double the usual amount of bulges came running after her.

“To Rains, Rains hair salon.” Sindy shouted as she jumped on to the Pedi cab.

Exiting Rains with her stunning long tresses refreshed and caressed, she stood at the corner of Beast and Au-pear alley and reviewed her list. A large yellow buss screeched to a stop followed an M series Bummer coming from the opposite direction. An airbag popped in the distance. Sindy laughed, it was the red hair. Electra it was called, and it always stopped cars in their tracks. I should have brought a scarf she thought, but then again she loved the attention.

“To Oscars,” she shouted to the Unicorn, “Oscars in the Ghetto of the Design Houses.” She could have taken the A-line, it would have been faster, but she was on a roll and she was enjoying every moment of it. And then to Manolo’s. He really owes me for saving his tush during the Penguin affair with old Funstas – that pervert, she thought. Not Manolo of course he was nice, but how Manolo ever got talked into wearing that penguin suit by Funstas I will never know.

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